Monday, September 15, 2008

Who Needs Customer Service?

The Fischbowl blog post I viewed was written in the month of May 2007. It is a response to a video "Ordinary Indignity" posted by a man named David Prouge. The video is about customer service(HP Customer Care) in the modern age. The customer is asked senseless questions, forced to listen to horrible waiting music, and eventually hung up on. Sound familiar? Fisch relates the situation to the education realm. Having people better understand technology and how it works to resolve problems with little or no aid. This is necessary he says to be "technologically literate " which is undoubtedly in the near future. Fisch also states that a better ''customer" aka student "provider" aka school relationship would give students more room to apply themselves and not be discarded as another statistic. Would you want a teacher to reiterate useless questions or inspire and provide you with helpful answers?

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