Friday, September 12, 2008

Technology Illiteracy

The blog post
"Is It Okay To Be Technologically Illiterate?"
produced by Karl Fisch is an insight to the capabilities of current educators to be able to understand and apply technology in the classroom. He stands his ground on the subject and makes a strong statement that if you are not evolving you are wrong. Karl Fisch believes everyone of educational statute should be accountable for their negligence of technological tools, no matter what position one holds.
I personally completely agree with Mr. Fisch. Educators today should have great knowledge of technology and how to aid not only their students but themselves as well. When I was in high school (1996-2000) computers were the last source for obtaining information basically obsolete. I can think of numerous occasions where they would have been of great use, not just to keep track of my library books. I think every standard Karl Fisch implies should be met and applied in every grade level.

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